Fireflies congregation I

Congregation of Fireflies: Estimating Population in Charmadi Ghat Landscape, Karnataka. An attempt was taken to estimate the number of fireflies during congregation March – May 2023 (PHASE I)
Researchers: Mr. Parvez, Mr.  Ashutosh Dey and Ms. Shreedha Lanjewar


To understand Natural Biology of few firefly species a study was conducted at some selected areas of Purba Medinipur,West Bengal, India.
Researchers: Ms. Soma Khatua mentored by Mr. Parvez

Pollutants and Fireflie

A study was initiated to understand the Impacts of traffic pollution on fireflies and prospects for firefly ecotourism in Charmadi Ghats, Chickmangalur, Karnataka during June – October 2023
Researchers: Mr. Parvez, Mr. Krushnadas and Mr. Ashutosh


A survey was conducted to understand the diversity of mangrove forest fireflies at second-largest mangrove ecosystem in India in Bhitarkanika National Park. March 2024
Researcher: Mr. Parvez 

Fireflies congregation II

Studies on estimating firefly adults in selected regions Of Western Ghats, Karnataka was taken in continuation of Phase I study in Charmadi Ghat. This study was not only estimated the number but also highlights the Spatio-temporal variations among individuals preferences. March – December 2024 (Phase II)
Researchers: Mr. Parvez, and Mr. Kartik